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Die Pastorie Guesthouse/Gastehuis

Bed & Breakfast Accommodation In Silverton

*Vanaf R570
Per persoon per nag (wat deel)
*Tariewe kan verskil volgens seisoen/aantal mense
 SPESIALE AANKONDIGING! Ontvang vroeë kennisgewings Wys Tariewe Beskikbaarheidskalender English
Ligging & Kontak Besonderhede
Adres:397 President Street, Silverton, Pretoria / Tshwane, Gauteng , South Africa
Kontak:Issie Pypers
Tel  :+27-12-8048778
Fax  :+27-12-8048778
Cell (1) :+27-82-9219930
Cell (2) :+27-83-4000411

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Bladsy Statistieke
29628 besigtings sedert 11 Dec, 2009.
Laas opgedateer op 05 Aug, 2024.
First year listed on

Die Pastorie Guesthouse/Gastehuis

Bed & Breakfast Accommodation In Silverton

Die Pastorie Guesthouse provides bed and breakfast accommodation in Silverton, Pretoria and caters for the discerning corporate and leisure traveler. The guesthouse consists of seven luxurious en suite bedrooms that ensure privacy and a comfortable stay.

All rooms have airconditioners, tea and coffee facilities, small fridges and DSTV.

The house has a communal area where breakfast, lunch and dinner is served providing you with the finest traditional cuisine.

The guesthouse is securely walled and gated with ample safe parking.

Internet facilities are available.

This warm welcoming home will ensure a comfortable stay.

"Die Pastorie" meaning the parsonage is a significant guesthouse, built in 1949. The house belonged to the Reformed Church for many years before the Pypers family purchased the house and renovated it into a stylish, modern and luxurious guesthouse. This warm welcoming home will ensure a comfortable stay!

Die Pastorie Guesthouse is situated in Silverton, near the CSIR, the National Botanical Gardens, Hatfield & Menlyn Shopping Centre, the University of Pretoria and the Wilgers Hospital, The Innovation Hub, Technopark, SAPD Logistics, Forensic Science Laboratory, Institute of Agricultural Engineering, Nation Prosecuting Authority, Silverton/ Wattloo Industrial Area. Willem Pretorius Open Air Museum, Gautrain, Glenfair, Lynnwood Bridge (atterrbury theatre), Lynnwood Rigde & Watermeyer park. With easy access to both the N1 and N4 highways.

The Pioneer open air museum is nearby. This restored farmstead which belonged to the Mundt Family includes a cottage built with mud, anthills and peach pip floors. Demonstrations of early farm lifestyles such as candle making with animal fat, wheat grinding, bread making and milking can be experienced.

The Pretoria Botanical Gardens provide the perfect spot for a family picnic where you can view 50% of South Africa's tree species.

Head out to the Sammy Marks Museum, only 15km away, and explore this original homestead still consisting of the original furniture and household items dating back to the 18th century.

Die Pastorie Guesthouse is an upmarket guesthouse that provides service expected from such an establishment.

Within 10km radius of Pretoria university Wilgers & Urology Hospitals Pretoria Botanical Gardens CSIR Menlyn Shopping Centre Industrial area - East of Pretoria

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Bladsy Statistieke
29628 besigtings sedert 11 Dec, 2009.
Laas opgedateer op 05 Aug, 2024.
First year listed on

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Die Pastorie Guesthouse/Gastehuis
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    3/8 - Die Pastorie Guesthouse - bed and breakfast in Silverton, Pretoria
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    4/8 - Die Pastorie Guesthouse - bed and breakfast in Silverton, Pretoria
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    5/8 - Die Pastorie Guesthouse - bed and breakfast in Silverton, Pretoria
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    6/8 - Die Pastorie Guesthouse - bed and breakfast in Silverton, Pretoria
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